In just a few years, the rules of transparency, vigilance and user protection imposed on payment service providers have become part of an increasingly demanding Community legal framework, applicable to a growing number of professions. The severity of the banking crisis has further accentuated this trend, leading supervisors to make consumer protection a systematic priority.
Since CANTON was founded, we have made mastering compliance requirements one of our top priorities, in order to provide our customers with the best possible security and reliability in the design or control of their vigilance and internal, permanent or periodic control systems, as well as in the prevention of risks associated with these reinforced or new requirements.
Compliance, in the broadest sense of the term, encompasses a wide range of complementary requirements, stemming from EU rules, SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area), industry standards, national legislation or regulations issued by supervisors… The wide range of backgrounds and experience of the founding team guarantees our customers not only mastery of regulatory, industry, legal or business rules and requirements, but also the pragmatism which, thanks to relevant risk analysis, enables us to focus our efforts on effective measures and appropriate systems, in proportion to the threats.

From the project design stage through to presentation to the regulator, as well as in day-to-day operations, compliance must remain the focus of ongoing attention: our assistance will enable you to comply with the requirements as effectively as possible, and thus prevent any possible consequences, potentially serious for both the establishment and its management. We are at your disposal to help you design, validate, present, optimize or control your organization and performance in terms of: compliance, anti-money laundering, risk assessment and control, permanent and periodic control, KYC (“Know Your Customer”), payment traceability, compliance with CRBF 97-02 (Regulation of the Banking and Financial Regulation Committee relating to the internal control of credit institutions and investment firms) , PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), …